Saturday, December 5, 2015

Keeping Busy

This week has been about keeping busy. We have most certainly accomplished that in several different ways. We set up our christmas tree, did all of our christmas shopping, had a doctor appointment, and did some construction on our house. 
You might wonder how we managed to get all those things done. Johns wonderful family has helped us immensely. John's dad has helped us with the construction on our house faithfully and we are so grateful. This weeks goal was to get some more tile down in the kitchen and dinning room. 



Getting prepared for Christmas early is a big deal because we don't know how many appointments John may have through the Holiday Season. So John was so kind to do all the Christmas shopping with me! I am so thankful for that because he is so good about what would be a very nice appropriate gift. Our Christmas tree this year is very simple and it could not be more perfect for us! 

Johns doctor appointment went very well. The plastic surgeon was very pleased with how the skin graft was looking on Johns second toe on his left foot. We have a follow up appointment with him in two weeks. We also have an appointment with Johns other doctor on December 10th. This will be to check the residual limb and take out the stitches and get John into shrinker socks. The purpose of the shrinker socks is to get Johns limb shaped correctly for prosthetic; also to help reduce and shrink the limb for the best mobility. John is starting to experience more phantom pain, which is normal but very uncomfortable. We are hoping and have been told that over time the pain will fade and get better. 

John was able to meet with a fellow amputee this week. He is working with our prosthetic company and was so helpful in answering many questions we both had. He also answered questions we had not thought of yet. The very encouraging thing about him was he was a very young man, similar in age to John and very active. He gave us a very tangible idea of what we could expect moving forward.

Thank you again for all the support! We really appreciate it! Keep your eyes peeled for more blog posts!


  1. You don't know us, but our family has been praying, praying, praying for you and many in our church as well, Bethel Christian in Rittman, OH. Thanks for posting the update! Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers!! Many people we don't know have been praying for us and we are so encouraged and blessed by each prayer!! Tell your church "thank you so much" from us!
